Saturday, February 23, 2008

what's going on

I guess i should mention that i made it back from the Galapagos Islands last week. It was a really awesome trip. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to such a unique little corner of the world. We lived on a boat for a week, so i was quite sea sick off and on, but overall, the experience was unforgettable. I regret not giving more frequent day-by-day updates. Trying to sum the whole trip up in retrospect is quite overwhelming. We did a lot of hiking and snorkeling, and saw loads of sea lions, sea turtles, crazy fish, blue footed boobies, other rare birds, giant tortoises (there has got to be a better sounding plural form of tortoise, right?) penguins, iguanas, et cetera....... but all that really matters is that I SWAM WITH GALAPAGOS BLACK TIPPED SHARKS!!!!oh yeah, better believe it. I almost swam with hammerhead sharks too, but they didnt want to come out to play.... i saw them after we got out of the water, but they just werent willing to approach me in snorkel gear. Also, i got really really really tan and i would classify that as exciting news.

Yesterday marked the end of Block 1 of classes here on campus. (There are three blocks each semester). So we had quite a bit to get done. For Spanish class, I wrote and presented an on the Ecuadorean Environmental Movement.

We also had a big International Day Festival yesterday. There were two North Americans in each group and each group was assigned either a region of Ecuador or a different country. Lauren and I were assigned the coast. There was a surprise grand prize, but we still werent too motivated or competitive. Anyhow, everyone worked so hard and it was a blast. Everyone's booths looked incredible and we all danced like crazy. Lauren and i got up at 6am to make battered fried shrimp, plantain and cheese empanadas, chicken and plantain tamales, patacones (fried, mashed, salted, green banana chips), chifles (thin fried green banana chips), and pan de yuca (the most amazing little balls of the tastiest bread in the world). Anyhow, Lauren and I ended up tying in first place with Colombia!!! (colombia's group was elizabeth and conrad.... you should have seen conrad dancing La Cumbia.... oh my word.) So we split the prize (casssssh monay$$$$$$$$$$$) and then danced some more!!

Anyway, we also had our one-on-one end-of-block 1 evaluations with our professor. Mine went super well and i got an A. Some people think that studying abroad is like a blow-0ff semester where you don't have to do any work. welll, i'll have you know, my class was super intense and it really challenged me. spanish class from 9-12:30 every day is NOT easy. I learned a TON already and my spanish is being de-gringa-fied more and more everyday. Next block, we are doing mostly coversation class which should be fun. Our prof said it is going to be really creative.

So mom and dad, you should be proud! And, hey! while i'm at it, here are some other great accomplishments in my life that may be hard for you to believe:

  • I go to bed and wake up early EVERY day. Today i "slept in" until 9:00!!!!!
  • I MAKE MY BED EVERYDAY!!!! I know this one might be kind of hard to wrap your minds around, but i swear it!!! This may be the single most impressive revolution that has taken place in my lifestyle since the time i became potty trained.
  • Also, my room is CLEAN. GASP!!!!
  • andddd, i have been eating fish!! mom, remember when you used to make that orange ruffy and i was pretty certain that it was the end of the world??? well, the cafeteria serves us fish a couple times a week and i EAT IT. it is not that i necessarily love it; i am still getting used to that SICK smell, but it certainly doesn't bother me.

Well, it is now the weekend and i feel an almost-unbelievable amount of peace right now. Block 1 is over so there is NO homework. This is probably one of the first entire free days that i've had since arriving last month. The sun is shining and the mountains out my window are looking extra green today. aaaaaah. goooood to be alive.


Anonymous said...

i would most certainly classify getting tan as exciting news. considering i am a white cheese ball right now.

Jami said...

well, more than anything else I am shocked by the fact that your room is clean and your bed is made. Not that the other stuff doesn't sound sweet too, just those made my jaw drop.

Now my question is...will this be the trend next year?

brasilisarb said...

so i'm pretty jealous. i have always wanted to go to the galapagos. send me some piccccccs to my email. they shut done my trusty olivet account.

Hayley Tarrant said...

this blog thing is quite incredible! technology these days is just overwhelming.

I have been thinking to myself...why did i not discover this little big blog of yours til today.....?
